Access the TXST Transfer Planner portal to see how your course work will transfer, find transfer planning resources, and see your progress toward a bachelor's degree at Texas State.
Transfer Credit Evaluation
Before You Apply
See how your course work will transfer. The TXST Transfer Planner provides Texas State transfer credit equivalencies for commonly transferred courses. The information available on the planner is drawn from the same course equivalency database that is used when information is posted to your official Texas State transcript.
Course transferability and equivalencies are subject to change. An official evaluation of transfer courses will be available to each student at the time of their admission to the university.
Already Admitted or Enrolled
Admitted or enrolled students who have submitted official transcripts from other colleges or universities can view evaluated course work on the Transfer Course Equivalency System to see how their credits transfer to Texas State (NetID and password required). An explanation of evaluation terms and abbreviations may be found in the Evaluated Course Work Glossary.
If you have questions about your course work evaluation, email the Office of Undergraduate Admissions or call 512.245.2364.
Transfer Course Credit & Planning
Evaluated Course Work Glossary
Below are explanations of the evaluation abbreviations, meant to help you better understand what courses will transfer and how they will be credited. You may also download a copy of the Evaluated Course Work Glossary.
Course Number Direct Equivalents
Courses which have exact Texas State equivalents are assigned a four-digit number. Courses shown as direct equivalents may or may not be applied toward your degree. To determine the applicability of any course you can contact the Dean's Office of your major and obtain a degree outline or refer to the online catalog.
ELNA stands for elective credit non-advanced. ELADV stands for elective credit advanced. An elective designation indicates that the course is transferable, but Texas State does not offer an exact equivalent course. ELNA courses may be used for any general lower-division elective which is not course or discipline specific; ELADV may be used for similar upper-division requirements. Some ELNA or ELADV courses may fulfill core curriculum requirements. Other ELNA or ELADV courses may meet major or minor requirements.
ACT indicates Physical Fitness and Wellness activity credit. These are transferable for admission and may be used for degree requirements, if applicable.
VOCED stands for vocational education courses. This course work does not transfer and is not computed in the GPA for admission purposes. VOCED courses do not appear on the Equivalency Guides. If you are unable to find a course you are looking for, it may be VOCED.
Stands for non-transferable courses. No credit is accepted for admission or degree purposes for non-transferable courses.
The grade earned at the transferring institution is the grade Texas State uses (pluses and minuses are not calculated). A grade of D or F does transfer for admission purposes but may not be accepted by the student’s major department. Courses evaluated as non-transferable and vocational education (VOCED) are not computed. Non-punitive grades such as W or P are disregarded, and grades of WF and I are calculated as F.
Core Curriculum
If you're currently attending another college and looking to transfer to Texas State, your top priority should be taking core classes that you'll need to complete, regardless of your major. Individual degree programs may also have additional specific course requirements, as outlined on their Transfer Planning Guide (TPG). Before taking classes, review the appropriate TPG and General Education Core Curriculum transfer guide.
Keep in mind that you do not need to be core complete to transfer to Texas State.
Additional Classes
If you plan to take more courses than just core before transferring, you may first want to visit the Undergraduate Catalog for specific degree program requirements. Transfer Planning Guides are available for each major and are helpful in determining specific program requirements for core and transferable lower-level courses.
In the catalog, your degree program will likely show your courses listed according to each academic year or semester of a typical four-year college career and the courses are listed in Texas State codes and numbers. To find which courses are offered at your current college and their equivalencies, use our Transfer Equivalency System. To see how your course work will apply to a Texas State degree plan, use the TXST Transfer Planner portal. You should be able to find equivalencies for all of the transferable or remedial courses you have previously taken at any Texas college.
Transfer Policies
- Accreditation — Texas State considers for admission and transfer credit only course work completed at degree-granting institutions that have been granted membership or candidacy status (by the time the course work was completed) by one of the regional institutional accrediting organizations or national faith-related accrediting organizations approved by the Department of Education or Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Course work from an institution or entity that is neither regionally accredited nor a candidate for such accreditation (e.g. online providers such as Sophia Learning, Straighterline, etc.) is not recognized for admission or transfer purposes. Texas State does not accept credit from institutions or entities with accreditation solely from national career-related accrediting organizations, or professional and specialized accrediting organizations. Additional information is available in the Transfer Credit section of the Undergraduate Catalog.
- At the time of transfer, all transferable work completed at an accredited junior or community college will be recorded on the student's official transcript. However, Texas State will apply no more than 72 junior/community college credits to a specific degree. If the number of hours transferred from a junior or community college exceeds 72, the student’s advising center will coordinate input from the appropriately credentialed faculty and units to provide a recommendation to the college dean how the student will satisfy degree requirements. Additional upper-level hours from a four-year university may also be applied.
- Repeat Policy — You may repeat a course to exclude the first grade earned in that course from GPA and hours calculations, regardless of the grade earned. The repeat course must be exactly the same as the initial course, or equivalent to the initial course if taken at a different college than the first attempt. For this policy, a course taken at another institution may not be repeated at Texas State and a course taken at Texas State must be repeated at Texas State. Only the grade from the first attempt will be excluded from your GPA and all grades earned in subsequent attempts will be included in your GPA. Use our TXST Transfer Planner portal to confirm how transferable course work will apply to a Texas State degree plan.
- Grades of D and F are transferable. If the course is considered a transferable course, then the grade you earned in it is transferable. A minimum grade of D is required in Core Curriculum courses to satisfy core requirements.
- To qualify for graduation with a bachelor’s degree, at least 25 percent of the minimum number of semester credit hours required for the degree must be completed at Texas State; within this requirement, at least 24 semester credit hours must be advanced (junior or senior) and at least 12 hours of the advanced work must be completed in the major at Texas State. Additionally, at least 24 semester credit hours of the last 30 hours completed that are required for the degree must be taken at Texas State. Correspondence, extension, and off-campus coursework completed through Texas State may be applied toward Texas State coursework requirements.
Please refer to the Transfer Policies section of the Undergraduate Catalog for additional information and requirements.