Transfer Planning Guides (2024-2025)

If you plan to take courses at another institution before transferring to Texas State University to complete your degree, it is important you know what courses your degree program will accept as transfer credit. We encourage you to utilize a Transfer Planning Guide (TPG) to determine a transfer plan for your intended degree. Each Transfer Planning Guide (TPG) is intended to serve as a resource for choosing which courses to take at a junior or community college, using the Texas Common Course Number System (TCCN), for the purpose of transferring to Texas State University.

If you need help with transfer planning, we encourage you to work with a Transfer Navigator at the Transfer Center or an academic advisor at your current college for additional guidance. You may also refer to the Texas State Undergraduate Catalog and Academic Advising Centers for additional course recommendations.

(All Transfer Planning Guide links on this page open as MS Word (.docx) documents for the current catalog year. Transfer Planning Guides marked with an asterisk (*) and guides from prior catalog years or in alternate formats are available by request.)