
An internship can be the first real-world experience you have with your possible career path. Typically a semester or longer, an internship provides you with critical professional experience while you're still in school.

Benefits of an Internship

An internship can:

  • Provide insight into the skills, responsibilities, and opportunities associated with your major or desired field
  • Confirm or negate your major choice
  • Introduce you to networking contacts within your field
  • Help you secure a full-time position upon graduating
students chat with a company rep about internship possiblities
a professional headshot of Kayla Simon

Kayla Simon

Major: Social work

Year: Senior

Internship: Maryland delegation to the U.S. House Representative on Capitol Hill

Along with my supervisor at the Hays County Food Bank, where I volunteer, one of my professors wrote a letter of recommendation that helped me get this internship. It's clear to me that coming to Texas State opened the door for me to intern with the Maryland delegation to the U.S. House Representative on Capitol Hill.