The programs during your first year at Texas State will make sure your time in college is productive and gets you where you need to be. University College provides you with three important freshman programs that will form your solid foundation: Common Experience, PACE and University Seminar.
Academic Resources
First Year at Texas State

Academic Advising
Academic Advising is important to keep your degree plan on track. You'll work with your advisor to plan your education — considering your academic, personal and professional goals, abilities and interests. They will connect you with the classes, campus resources and activities that support your development.
Once you've started in a degree program, you can find an advisor based on your major or college. If you aren't sure how your goals and interests align with a specific degree, we can help!
Student Learning Assistance Center (SLAC)
SLAC is a multi-faceted academic support program for all Texas State students.
Writing Center
Find free help and tutoring for your writing projects, from basic essays to doctoral dissertations, at the Texas State Writing Center. The Writing Center tutors help students develop and improve their writing at any stage of the writing process, in any style guide, and in any discipline.
Student Support Services
Student Support Services is a program designed for first-generation college students (neither parent completed a college degree), low-income students and students with disabilities. To help you reach your academic goals, the program provides one-on-one tutoring, a personal college success coach, group study sessions and peer mentoring. You can also get help managing your financial aid options.
Testing Evaluation and Measurement Center (TEMC)
You may be able to get a jump-start on your academic career by earning credit hours toward your degree. Talk to your advisor and check out your credit by exam opportunities, including:
Honors College
The Honors College experience is both academically demanding and engaging. Honors students from all majors study in small, interdisciplinary, seminar style classes. It’s a chance to collaborate with other energetic minds while enjoying a variety of diverse learning opportunities, including study abroad and research projects.

Career Services
Career Services is here to make sure you're successful in your career both during your time as a student and after you graduate. We can help you explore different careers to find the right fit for you, make sure you stand out in the application process and meet potential employers.
In addition to traditional support, Career Services can help decide whether grad school is right for you or find you an on-campus job.